Once upon a time, a young, technology-minded man started a world-changing company from his college dorm room.
No, we’re not talking about Mark Zuckerberg. This is how Jac Holzman’s story begins. Jac founded Elektra Records in 1950, and his experience and worldview sound like those of the most successful tech entrepreneurs of today.

Always a proponent of new technology, Holzman has been at the helm of a great label throughout turbulent times. He told us the music businesses has undergone more fundamental change than any other facet of entertainment over the past hundred years or so. We talked about everything from player pianos to vinyl singles to music blogs to YouTube.

As Elektra prepares to celebrate 60 years of discovering, making, recording and distributing music, Holzman takes a look back at the advent of digital music technology (which he was instrumental in creating and popularizing) and a look forward into how new artists can market themselves online.

Check out Elektra story

source: http://mashable.com/

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